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shyla thomson
shyla thomson
So good finished in a week! ❤️
Tony Van Mierlo
Tony Van Mierlo
Nice and moistwet and fatty biltong

Marbled Jerky


Do you like your jerky marbled?
Like a buttered steak, this jerky will melt in your mouth and have you coming back for more.

1kg bags only – $69

How does ‘marbled’ jerky sound to you?

If you like your steak melt-in-your-mouth tender and bursting with flavour, you need to try marbled jerky.

Marbled jerky is a hidden secret in the beef jerky market.

Just as steak connoisseurs revere those cuts of beef which have flecks and thin ribbons of creamy fat running between the lean muscle (giving it a ‘marbled’ look), so too do snack experts around the world revere marbled beef jerky.

When we make our beef jerky, the drying process gently renders some of the marbling, self-basting the meat and infuses it with a juicy creaminess.

And just like a well buttered steak, our marbled jerky melts in your mouth and will have you hurtling back to our website to order more.

More about marbled meat

Marbling is very different from the fat on the outside of a piece of meat or the internal layer you sometimes see between two separate muscles (like chuck or blade steak).  It’s the creamy webbing you see within the meat itself and it’s what makes the beef spectacularly rich, tender and juicy.

Marbling is also known as ‘intramuscular fat’ (we think marbling sounds far more mouthwatering!) and it is mainly determined by what the animal eats.  Generally, the meat from grain-fed cattle has more marbling than the meat from grass-fed animals.

We choose only the best Australian beef for our marbled jerky and we’re 100% certain you will fall in love with its melt-in-the-mouth tenderness.

Buy D.Jays marbled jerky online

We sell our marbled beef jerky in 1kg packs and it comes in three flavours – traditional, smokey and chilli.

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